Types of Drugs Commonly Used in the Netherlands

The Netherlands is known for its relaxed attitude towards recreational drugs such as marijuana. While the use of marijuana is tolerated in the Netherlands, it is still illegal and police are able to take action against it. However, the possession of small amounts of marijuana is generally overlooked.

The most commonly used drugs in the Netherlands are cannabis, alcohol, ecstasy, cocaine, and amphetamines. Cannabis is the most widely used recreational drug and is available in both the form of marijuana and hashish. It is usually smoked in joints or pipes but can also be eaten in the form of edibles.

Alcohol is one of the most commonly used drugs in the Netherlands. The legal drinking age is 16 and it is widely available in bars, restaurants, and supermarkets. While alcohol consumption is tolerated and even celebrated at times, intoxicated behavior is frowned upon and can lead to police action.

Ecstasy is a popular party drug in the Netherlands and can be bought in pill form in many clubs and parties. It is known for its stimulating and euphoric effects and can be dangerous when taken in large doses.

Cocaine is another popular drug in the Netherlands and is often used as a stimulant or an aphrodisiac. While it is illegal to possess, it is often available on the streets and in clubs.

Amphetamines are also used recreationally in the Netherlands. They are generally taken as a stimulant or to stay awake and increase energy. They can be dangerous when taken in large doses and can lead to serious side effects.

In conclusion, while the Netherlands is known for its relaxed attitude towards recreational drugs, there is still a range of drugs available and used in the country. The most common drugs include cannabis, alcohol, ecstasy, cocaine, and amphetamines. It is important to remember that all of these drugs can be dangerous if used in excess or without caution.


Published On: April 5th, 2023
Original article


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